Category: Business Growth

How to Select a Marketing Channel? | Best 7 Steps to Finalize Your Marketing Channel

Selecting a marketing channel completely depends on the type of audience you are trying to attract. My personal take on this is, that anything can be marketed and sold anywhere, being the salesman is a pro, bearing aside some very exceptional conditions. That we shall talk about in the blog.

Why Should You Learn Digital Marketing in 2022? | Top 80 Benefits of learning Digital Marketing

In this blog, I have tried to bifurcate the top 80 plus benefits of learning digital marketing in 5 major areas. This starts from Business and ends at further Exposures to other domains. I wish you enjoy the blog.

How to Use Clubhouse? | Best 20 Reasons to Use Clubhouse?

Clubhouse is something that I have started using and liking for the last two to three months. And guess what, since the last two months I have had a daily reminder in my calendar to join Clubhouse. This liking made me think of coming up with this article and addressing the possible “Know Hows” of Clubhouse.

What is the best and worst practice as a freelancer? | Best 100+ Practices Mentioned

Freelancing is amazing! Every freelancer should know about what is the best and worst practice as a freelancer. If you are a freelancer, or starting today, then it is a must-read. Let’s discuss, some of the best and worst practices as a freelancer, where I would share my experience.

What are the free e-learning and certificate courses by Google? Does it help for career growth?

There are a ton of free e-learning and certificate courses by Google. But all of these courses are not provided with certificates. If you are looking forward to learning from free e-Learning and certificate courses provided by Google then I have shared the prime sources in this blog.

Is LinkedIn Service Marketplace better than Upwork?

LinkedIn recently got an update in the algorithm as well as in the UI and UX, a week or two back hard, which is in November 2021. They made things more appealing and powerful for the users. Yet, The ways of selling yourself, technically your skills on LinkedIn, is way different than Upwork. In Upwork, there is a specific pattern to bid on specific projects, write a powerful proposal, showcase your portfolio, and bag the project.

How to Automate Social Media Posts? | Best 5 Post Automation Tools

Automating social media posts has great benefits. You do it for an organic marketing approach. You schedule posts of your every social media platform, by which you don’t manually have to go and submit posts. Content is not created automatically, it is just the post are getting live on autopilot. Here is how it happens.

Where to get Blog and YouTube Video Ideas? Best 10 Sources for Content Ideas

As a content creator and a trainer, I often get to have this question that “Where to get Blog and YoutTube Video Ideas?”. As niche bloggers and vloggers, we cannot just create random content. Contents that you create have to be interesting, relevant, attractive and insightful. I have made up a list of the best 10 sources for content ideas that are super relevant for bloggers and bloggers or YouTubers.

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