Is LinkedIn Service Marketplace better than Upwork?


~ Is LinkedIn Service Marketplace better than Upwork

It completely depends on how you use LinkedIn.

Let me throw some light on what I meant.

I am an active LinkedIn user. Here is my active profile. My LinkedIn SSI is right now top 1% in my Industry, which is Digital Marketing and E-Learning. I presume, if you are so interested in LinkedIn, then you know what LinkedIn SSI is. I have closely seen my SSI improving from the top 9% to 1% in the industry. Here is a screenshot of the same.


Well, now the reason why I brought the topic of LinkedIn SSI is to clarify that I am an active user, and my profile holds weight.

In my 4 to 5 years of journey of LinkedIn, I have got multiple clients, and job offers from LinkedIn and counting. All of these are inbound, and evidently, the quality of leads has improved over time.

Such clients include clients for my Digital Marketing Freelance Consulting Services. I keep getting this, even before LinkedIn introduced the LinkedIn Service Marketplace feature.

~ Is LinkedIn Service Marketplace better than Upwork

LinkedIn had also come up with a product called LinkedIn Profinder, I think two to three years back, and it is no longer available.

image 12

Well, this Profinder thing was also not introduced in India so far I remember, it was there in the US.

LinkedIn recently got an update in the algorithm as well as in the UI and UX, a week or two back hardly, which is in November 2021. They made things more appealing and powerful for the users. Both the service providers, employers, and even the content creators. There are several features add-ons too. Looks more promising.

Is LinkedIn Service Marketplace better than Upwork?

~ Is LinkedIn Service Marketplace better than Upwork

LinkedIn and Upwork have plenty of differences.

LinkedIn is a Social Network, Upwork is not.

The ways of selling yourself, technically your skills on LinkedIn, is way different than Upwork. In Upwork, there is a specific pattern to bid on specific projects, write a powerful proposal, showcase your portfolio, and bag the project. LinkedIn doesn’t have that exact template. By the way, there is no template even. It is a different way of effort that you put forward to get noticed by the employers, and finally, you bag the opportunity.

Such efforts can be,

  • Creating the most suitable profile.
  • Making your profile search friendly.
  • Completing your profile 100%.
  • Delivering your message the right way to the recruiters that what you can help them with.
  • Showcasing your portfolio and credentials.
  • Creating attractive content that get eyeballs.
  • And moreover, being slightly more active on LinkedIn (In a Professional Way).

~ Is LinkedIn Service Marketplace better than Upwork

Right now, as the LinkedIn Service Marketplace, you have an option to showcase all services you are providing.


This feature helps you in two ways,

  • It let anyone visiting your profile know about the services you are currently providing, and weather you are providing it online or offline or locally etc.
  • If anyone in your network, or in the first, second or third degree network reach, posts about they are looking forward to a specific service and they name it in their LinkedIn post, you get notified about it. And you can directly message and comment in the posts. The idea is, you get to know, who is looking for the same.

Here are more screenshots of how your service page looks like to your clients or prospects.

~ Is LinkedIn Service Marketplace better than Upwork

  • You can add a maximum of 10 Skills.
  • You can add skills from diverse group of domains.
  • You can just write the 3-5 letters of your desired skills and select the references.
  • You can share this service page as a post, and give yourself as shoutout to get eyeballs.
  • You can ask your previous clients, collegues, employers to give your service page a review as a testimonial. Here is a snap of the same.

~ Is LinkedIn Service Marketplace better than Upwork


To know more about the LinkedIn Service Marketplace, here is the source below. Click on the images below.


~ Is LinkedIn Service Marketplace better than Upwork


~ Is LinkedIn Service Marketplace better than Upwork

Is LinkedIn Service Marketplace better than Upwork? | Ideas to attract potential clients with LinkedIn Service Marketplace

  • Step 1: Professional Profile
  • Step 2: Identify Prospects
  • Step 3: Send a Thank You Message
  • Step 4: Send Relationship Building Messages
  • Step 5: Engage With Them on Shared LinkedIn Groups
  • Step 6: Move Relationships Offline

Full Article from LinkedIn Sales Blog

  • Post about the services you are providing
  • Post about the reviews you are receiving from your cients
  • Post about the recommandations you are getting from your clients
  • Post about your success stories that are related to the projects you are accomplishing

Are you a service provider, want to create your LinkedIn Service Marketplace Page? Click on the below image to get started.

~ Is LinkedIn Service Marketplace better than Upwork


All the best.

Thanks for reading.

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I am Soumendra, an Online Marketing professional and Content Pro, helping businesses to grow online with digital marketing.

To let you know, I train people on Online Marketing, Digital Advertising, Content Creation, Digital Marketing Analytics courses, SEO and the entire arena of Digital Marketing.

You can connect with me in need.

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